Enter order recipient name (e.g., "City of Dothan"), partial recipient name (e.g., Dothan) or order number
(e.g., 89-096-WP). DO NOT include a period at the end of the phrase (e.g., Inc NOT Inc.)
Surround phrase with quotation marks to return results with exact phrase (e.g., "City of Dothan").
Note that "*" and "?" wildcards are supported.
Search will cover all Annual Administrative Order Indexes from FY 1983 to the most recent update. Although there may be more than
one occurrence of a search term in any single annual index, only one occurrence will be returned in the search results for any single
annual index. Therefore, any annual index linked in the search results should be reviewed to determine whether there are additional
occurrences of the search term. Results are returned in the following format: "Order No. . . . Name . . . Date." Once you have identified
the year and order number of interest, go here to obtain a copy.